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What is the role of marine plate heat exchanger?

The marine plate heat exchanger is the core of the cooling system. It uses raw water or seawater to cool the antifreeze, and in some cases it is also used to cool diesel. When the raw water flows through the plates inside the heat exchanger, the water absorbs and exchanges heat, and will leave the heat exchanger through the outboard exhaust. Like a car radiator, a leaky or blocked marine plate heat exchanger can cause overheating and high engine maintenance costs.

Why do I need to clean the heat exchanger?
Over time, the heat exchanger plates are contaminated with marine life and scale. This will gradually cause your engine to run hotter. Have you ever noticed that your meter is slowly displaying high temperatures? If the marine plate heat exchanger is not repaired, it will leak and be difficult to disassemble due to corrosion and salt. If the marine plate heat exchanger is not regularly repaired, corrosion will usually cause extensive damage, which will greatly increase the maintenance cost. Properly maintained heat exchangers will ensure cool engine operation and extend engine life.
Replace gasket
The gasket in the plate heat exchanger will become brittle, compress or deform with time. Trying to reuse old washers is usually not a good idea, especially since we have made washers very affordable. When disassembling the heat exchanger, remove the old gasket and thoroughly clean the plate before attempting to reseal it. Do not use anything rough or abrasive to clean the plate, otherwise the plate may be damaged. Changing the shim is a fairly easy process, because most shims are just clamped on the board. Some boards require glue on the gasket, which requires special glue and proper technology. Plate heat exchangers are usually disassembled and cleaned every 2 to 3 years. If the heat exchanger is reassembled with an old gasket and a leak occurs, the entire plate heat exchanger assembly must be removed again and carefully cleaned and sealed.
How to clean the plate heat exchanger?
In some cases, vigorous cleaning will fully eliminate years of growth and accumulation in the board. We recommend immersing the heat exchanger plate in a chemical bath to remove scale and allow the heat exchanger to operate as expected. Do not use anything rough or abrasive to clean the printing plate, otherwise the printing plate may be damaged.

After cleaning all parts, the board should be inspected, tested and replaced (if necessary). If you ship the equipment to us, we can provide you with repair services, or we can send you the correct replacement parts.

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Jiangyin M&C Heat Parts Co.,LTD worked in the field of the world marine plate heat exchanger markets, possesses over 5 years of experience in a multitude of marine Projects, serves ships trading in the all corners of the globe, manufactures and distributes spare parts for the offshore and onshore industry, uses state of the art technology in its activities.